Social Sewing Events in Berkshire
A fully updated timetable will be available in the Shop page
Day time classes run 9.30 - 11.30am
Evening classes run 7.30 - 9.30pm
To book please get in touch using the Contact Us facilities above or below. For further details please see our FAQ.

£160 Level 1
Equipment use, patterns and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - get to know your machine.
Week two - cutting straight, sewing straight, precise sewing, French seams: make a tote bag.
Week three - cutting curves, sewing curves, zips: make a lined pencil case/make up bag.
Week four - darts, gathers, pleats, preparing you patterns: notches, notations, instructions, tracing, preparing fabric, interfacing.
Project - make a top/t-shirt

£160 Level 1
Equipment use, patterns and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - leggings or shorts
Week two - t-shirt
Week three - underwear (any of): pants, socks, vest
Week four - dungarees, dress, hoodie
Week five - continuation of week four
Week six - fancy dress, amendments, applique, hacks.

£160 Level 2
Equipment use, patterns and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one and two - sew pyjama trousers using a PDF sewing pattern (by Waves and Wild)
Week three - Measuring, grading, reading measurement charts, adapting a pattern to a body
Week four, five and six - sew pattern adapted in week three (your choice)

£160 Level 1
Equipment use and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - cutting accurately, using quilting rulers, templates
Week two - make three quilt blocks
Week three - make three quilt blocks
Week four - make three quilt blocks
Week five - adding wadding and quilting, regular and freestyle
Week six - binding and topstitching.

£80 Level 2
Week one - overlocker basics: threading, engaging/disengaging the blade, tensions, stitch length, changing needles, transportation
Week two - overlocker pro: rolled hems, lettuce hems, gathering
Week three - project work: (leggings, cuffed tee, underwear - anything you can make solely on an overlocker)

£160 Level 2
Equipment use and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Weeks one to four - in each class you will work on cutting one quilt block accurately, using quilting rulers and/or templates, then sew one quilt block
Week five - adding wadding and quilting, regular and freestyle
Week six - binding and topstitching.

£160 Level 3
Equipment use and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Weeks one to four - TBC
Week five - adding wadding and quilting, regular and freestyle
Week six - binding and topstitching.

£160 Level 2
Equipment use and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - preparing your pattern and fabric
Week two - create and sew button placket; optional - pockets
Week three - create sleeve opening; sew the yoke
Week four - attach sleeves to body; sew up the body
Week five - collars and cuffs
Week six - buttons, hems and finishes

£160 Level 3
Equipment use and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - preparing your pattern and fabric
Week two - create and sew pockets
Week three - install zip fly
Week four - construct jeans and top stitch
Week five - waistband and hems
Week six - finishing up, fitting discussions, alterations to paper patterns for ongoing sewing

£160 Level 3
Equipment use, patterns and thread included. Fabric will be available to purchase for an extra cost or you are able to bring your own.
Week one - tricky fabrics: lycra, swim, lace, fur, viscose
Week two - underwear (sew one of): knickers, boxers, swimwear, socks, bralette.
Week three - pattern drafting and adaptation: full bust adjustment, create a bodice from your own measurements.
Week four - muslin: make a garment from the bodice created in week three, check fit, amend fit, transfer updates to pattern pieces.
Project - make a top or dress from personalised bodice.

£10 to £160
Gift vouchers are available in any financial denomination up to the full six week course cost (£160) and are accepted as payment towards any workshop, course or fabric purchase.